In My Purse

Hello everyone! For today's post, I'm giving you a glimpse inside my purse! Minus the typical cluttering receipts, spare change and about ten other lip products, this is usually what you'll find inside.What I carry usually conforms to the size of the bag I'm using. The bigger the bag, the more unnecessary things you'll find. However, these are basically the essentials I typically carry around with me!

 1. A notebook/planner & a pen- I'm the type of person to who loves to keep track of everything by writing it down. Maybe its old-school, but I make about five to-do lists a day.
2. Since its already freezing where I live, gloves are a must (especially these houndstooth ones from Burlington).
3. My wallet is an obvious essential as well as my phone and headphones. I just bought this new Guess brand wallet last week, and its perfect for keeping everything organized and all in one spot.
4. Sunglasses are constantly with me no matter the time of year, I have sensitive eyes, so whether its sun or wind, they're so great to have on hand.
5. I love carrying around a snack, you never know when you'll get hungry on the go!
6. Gum/mints, its basically like chew-able toothpaste right?
7. My travel cosmetic bag is filled with some basic essentials I find myself reaching for all the time including; hairspray, hand lotion, perfume, lip balm, lipstick, fingernail clippers, bobby pins and hair ties. Usually you can find oil blotting sheets too, however I happened to use them all up.
8. In the top right corner of the picture, you'll see all the technology I love to have handy. My portable charger is one of the best investments I've ever made. As well as my thumb drive, an extra camera battery and my camera remote.
9. Lastly, I don't leave anywhere without my key. Not too exciting, but it does live happily in my purse a lot of the time.

Since handbags are an essential for every woman, Rue LaLa has created an excellent resource for you! Their premier Handbag Guide will be your new best friend. From the fundamentals of handbags, discovering designer brands, from care tips to the history of the handbag-this guide has it all. I most definitely learned a lot. Did you know the handbag was born sometime in the late 1800s? Be sure to check out the link above, and let me know what you think!

Here are some awesome handbag moments on Sprinkle of Style:

xx Mariah 

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