
Stress. Something we all feel and hope to avoid. I’m currently writing from my cozy bed at three in the afternoon. My blinds are drawn and there are striped shadows being cast on the floor. I wish you could see it, I highly enjoy cool shadows. It’s out of the ordinary for me to be in bed all day but I’m trying to get over a cold that has me feeling under the weather. I felt like now would be a good time write a conversation piece since I haven’t in quite some time. I wanted to talk a little about stress because I believe this cold is the result of the stressful week (or month) I’ve had. I recently read this article on Darling’s blog about how we often cling to stress and maintain a busy schedule in order to feel worthy. I don’t know about you, but I definitely identify with that statement. I don’t necessarily want to admit it, but I keep a busy schedule because it gives me a sense of purpose. I know a full schedule is sometimes unavoidable, but when you go too long being overbooked your mind gets cluttered and your body begins to feel the side effects of stress. Having a busy schedule is completely fine as long as you can get away from it at some point of the day. So I’m going to share with you some of my favorite ways to relax and escape the stress of the day.
1.    Sip on Tea
Green tea in particular contains an amino acid, theanine, that helps promote relaxation. It’s caffeine’s opposing force, which is what we’re going for right? Especially when I’m sick, I enjoy sipping on a warm cup of tea throughout the day.
2.    Light Candles
This is super simple, but effective. Lighting candles will fill your room with a yummy scent and help you relax a little. With blinds drawn, a candle lit and warm tea in hand, I don’t think there could be a better way to rid of the days stress.
3.    Listen to a podcast or read a book
I am a huge podcast lover, I often listen to them at the start or end of the day to either gain a little motivation or peace. Reading a book has the same effect. It allows me to escape reality a little and unwind after an eventful day.
4.    Disconnect
I should really take my advice on this one, because I always reach for my phone to check Instagram or Pinterest before bed every night. I know there are a thousand studies that show a better sleep is guaranteed if you disconnect from technology an hour or so before you sleep, so I should really test that one out. It sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it?
5.    Take a bath
When I’m home baths are especially enjoyable with the help of a lush bath bomb, however when I’m at school a shower will have to do. Sometimes a long warm shower rejuvenates me a little bit and also gives me time to avoid technology. This is one of my favorite stress relievers.
6.    Write
Ahh, writing. It allows your thoughts to escape on paper and often times gets all the clutter out of your mind. Journaling isn’t just for junior high girls to hide all their secrets, its actually quite beneficial. Say no to bottling up thoughts and write your stress away!

I hope some of these tips helped, and if you have any advice for relieving stress or tips for relaxation, be sure to let me know in the comments. I hope you all are doing well and having a great week!

xx Mariah

1 comment:

  1. I love listening to an ebook when I am really stressed with my massive blanket and candles. I feel more stressed while I am at Uni and I have to balance blogging and work at the same time.



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